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Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from ninja469 :Hi Tim, here's the ban editor, you need to put it into your lfs server folder.
As far as i know there is no way to have the ban file for all servers unless you have all the servers setup in one folder and not a good idea.

Hi Ninja,

Thanks for the baneditor, works great .
I was looking for that for a long time.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Hi Gai-Luron,

I maked a on connect massage for new people who join my server for the first time and show them the rules on that server,
and people who already drove more then 5 lap's on that server get a welcome massage with there stats( pb , laps drove ,spb ,distance)
This work's great on a server with one type of car.(on [NLR]#3 (demo FBM) and on [NLR]#5 (S2 fox on BL1).

But on a server with more typs of car's (GTR) i get by on connect $Laps (lap's done =0)
Lapper don't know the number of lap's for the car's.( If you sit in a car it work's fine).
Is it posible to create something like $Laps FXR or $Laps XFR?

IF ($Laps < 5)
openPrivButton( "welc",25,50,150,14,11,-1,96,"^7Welcome " . $Nickname . " the RULES are.....bla bla bla.." );
openPrivButton( "clos",38,150,20,10,10,-1,32,"Accept",OnConnectClose );
openPrivButton( "ref",63,150,20,10,10,-1,32,"Deny",OnConnectCloseKick );
openPrivButton( "welc",25,50,150,14,11,-1,96,"^7Welcome Back " . $Nickname . " ^7(" . $Username . ")" ) bla bla bla..;
openPrivButton( "clos",38,150,20,10,10,-1,32,"Enter",OnConnectClose );
openPrivButton( "ref",63,150,20,10,10,-1,32,"Cancel",OnConnectCloseKick );

Second question:
At the end of LFSLapper.lpr is a part Overriding options.
For what and when can i use that??

Third one to all:
How and where is the BAN list and how to edit this?
Is it posible to have 1 ban list for all server's??
Last edited by Tim NL, .
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Andy King :Hi Gai,
I think we all need a new variable for our Admin Panels....

I want to be able to press the Blue Flag button on my admin panel and Lapper sends a message rcm, privmsg or msg to the driver your watching. If I am in my car and not spectating and press the Blue Flag Button it goes out to all drivers instead.

Kick and Ban would also be useful this way, so we can Kick or Ban Driver spectating on.

Not sure if this is possible but would aid our Admin Panels if it is.

Thanks for all you effort.


You can use openglobalbutton in case of rcm.
So you can show all players a text without sitting in a car
Something like this.

Register MsgAction("!blue",MA_blue);
Sub MA_blue()
$allow = "&./admin.txt";
openGlobalButton( "blue",40,50,120,15,10,4,0,"^4RESPECT BLUE FLAGS QUICKLY",);

And for kick / ban

Register MsgAction("!ban",MA_ban);
Sub MA_ban()
$allow = "&./admin.txt";
cmdLFS( "/ban " . $argv . " 1" );

Register MsgAction("!kick",MA_kick);
Sub MA_kick()
$allow = "&./admin.txt";
cmdLFS( "/kick " . $argv );
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from YamaSuba.NL :No-one having trouble with the PubStatIdk?
Over here it doesn't work anymore for some reason.
Or rather, LFSLapper won't start anymore when I remove the hash from the Pubstat-line. I even generated a new Id, removed the IP-bind, but this also doesn't seem to work. I also tried entering the Id with and without quotes in de LFSLapper.lpr file... Anyone having an idea?

Hi YamaSuba,

In LFSLapper.lpr you have to use something like this

$PubStatIdk ="TH1sIsAFaK31XxP0p5YjJr7mP99GLgB5n";
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Andy King :Hi Tim,
Thanks for the time writing all that, I still cannot configure ConvWr.bat to actually connect, keep getting a login error. Is the following correct if I had a real idk, does it need speech marks around it or anything like that.

Thanks in advance

Sorry i didn't saw that you talking about .

A rem at the begining of a line is a remark ( same as a # in lapper).

Try something like this. Works fine over here.

rem ConvWr.exe -l yourLogin -p yourPass -o trackInfo.cfg -c 100.5:102 -mlc 200
ConvWr.exe -i TH1sAFaK31XxP0p5YjJr7mP99GLgwiB5n -o trackInfo.cfg -c 100.5:102 -mlc 200

You have to run the ConvWr.bat to create the trackInfo.cfg
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Andy King :
Can someone explain how to use the file, I want to adjust my trackinfo.cfg using our servers PB.txt file like it says in ReadMe but cannot work out how to run it. Keep getting login errors about my pubstat access.

Hi Andy,

In your LFSLapper.lpr
# Local variable
# {SplitTime} - Split time
Sub TRI_split1_0()
cmdLFS( "/msg Great 1st split (" . $SplitTime . ") by " . $Nickname . "^8!" );
Sub TRI_split1_1()
cmdLFS( "/msg Good 1st split (" . $SplitTime . ") by " . $Nickname . "^8!" );

In your trackInfo.cfg
track = AS3
len = 5.6
car = FXR
MaxLapTime = 3.22.52
split1 = 0.44.97:0.45.64
lapTime = 1.41.76:1.43.28

The red one in trackinfo.cfg show the great 1st split in your LFSlapper.lpr
and The green one in trackinfo.cfg show the good 1st split in your LFSlapper.lpr

And your $PubStatIdk ="TH1sAFaK31XxP0p5YjJr7mP99GLgwiB5n"; is something like this.
You can get one on - My LFSW setting - generate an additional Ident-Key.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Thanks Gai,

New lapper works super now
Last edited by Tim NL, .
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :Another query, when trying to synchronise PB.TXT files, must we create a folder called "synchro" or is it created automagically? I f we have to create it, where should it be in the directory structure?

Hi Bladerunner,
For database sync just put all PB.txt files in one folder with different names ( PB1.txt , PB2.txt ....) and set the path by SyncDir to that folder.
The database sync in allmost realtime ( i think lesser then 30 sec.).

On server 1:

SyncDir=C:\Program Files\LFS\PBdir;
Database = C:\Program Files\LFS\PBdir\PB1.txt;

And on server 2

SyncDir=C:\Program Files\LFS\PBdir;
Database = C:\Program Files\LFS\PBdir\PB2.txt;
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Hi all,

My admin list is not working anymore .
In lapper 5.701 it was working fine but i testing now 5.706 and it don't want work.

This dont work
Quote :Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
$allow = "tim nl";
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );

This dont work
Quote :
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
$allow = ""&./admin.lst";
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );

This dont work
Quote :
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
IF( $Username == "&./admin.lst" )
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );

If i use this with the IF THEN it works but i cant use the adminlist
Quote :
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
IF( $Username == "tim nl" )
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );

Adminlist ( admin.lst ) is a text file with every username on a new line
Quote :
tim nl

What do i wrong? is there a change in the syntax?
I tryed a lot of different thing's now

Ps. i found a small type mismatch in the Acceleration options

Event OnAcceleration()
privMsg( "^8Excelerated in ^3" . $AccelerationTime . "^8 seconds to " . $AccelerationEndSpeed . " " . $UnitSpeed ."!" );

I think it should be Accelerated

@GAI-Luron 5.706 is realy super now. I really like the IF THEN options. THANKS
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Hi Gai-Luron,

I found out on one of the demo server i run ( [NLR]NL Racing#3) that one guy logged in with different usernames and different nicknames (6 times) but with the same IP adress and he banned everyone on the server.
Is there a posibility to kick or ban player's on IP?
IF IP= THEN /KICK the Muppet.

I use on that server still 5.641 and can see in the log file of the dedi the IP's.

Username Nickname IP
trilby NorthCrest
trilby1 ‘‘‘ RALPH
trilby2 louis
trilby3 Dante
trilby4 Mussolini
trilby5 Æs^C³r

‘‘‘ RALPH^L voted to ban - taurus -^L (- taurus -^L) [1/5] (press 1)
Fusion. Dan^L voted to ban - taurus -^L (- taurus -^L) [2/5] (press 1)
louis^L voted to ban - taurus -^L (- taurus -^L) [3/5] (press 1)
Dante^L voted to ban - taurus -^L (- taurus -^L) [4/5] (press 1)
12 hour ban imposed on user name
Mussolini^L completed the vote
- taurus -^L was banned
/msg - taurus - leave connection
- taurus - leave connection
Mussolini^L voted to ban jamppa^L (jamppa24^L) [1/5] (press 1)
/msg NorthCrest is idle ! Spectate in 10 seconds
NorthCrest is idle ! Spectate in 10 seconds
Fusion. Dan^L voted to ban jamppa^L (jamppa24^L) [2/5] (press 1)
Dante^L voted to ban jamppa^L (jamppa24^L) [3/5] (press 1)
‘‘‘ RALPH^L voted to ban jamppa^L (jamppa24^L) [4/5] (press 1)
12 hour ban imposed on user name
NorthCrest^L completed the vote
NorthCrest^L voted to ban jamppa^L (jamppa24^L) [1/5] (press 1)
jamppa^L was banned
NorthCrest^L voted to END RACE
/msg jamppa leave connection
jamppa leave connection
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Last edited by Tim NL, .
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Chuff :
I can see all these options in the config file but I don't see anyway to enable the display of these ingame

Hi Chuff,

All the part's in the config file between /* and */ are not working in lapper.
Remove the /* and */ and that part of the config file will work.

# Drifting options #

$DriftDatabase = "./DriftPB.txt";
# Actions to do on new personal best drift lap.
Event DriftPBAction()
cmdLFS( "/rcm " . $Nickname . "^3 made new PB: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts!" );
cmdLFS( "/rcm_all" );
Event DriftPBAction()
cmdLFS( "/msg " . $Nickname . "^3 made new PB: ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts!" );
# Actions to do to when total lap drift score is higher or equal to MinimumDriftScore.
Event DriftLapAction()
cmdLFS("/msg " . $Nickname . " ^3drifted to ^7" . $DriftScore . " ^3pts" );
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Hi Gai,

I got also a feature request...

The posibility to store user and or nicknames in a database when they press a button.So we can set up a race in the schedule and people can register them self by pressing a button.
If the stored username's are place on a new line in the database we can use the database for QualUsers.

second one: A posibility to fill the text from (multiline)button from a text file. This makes it posible to change the text of a multiline button without restarting lapper and make the config file a bit shorter.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Andy King :Hi All,
How do I use the schedule to kick Unnamed Racers.....

Register ScheduleAction( "00 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *", SA_Unnamed );
Sub SA_Unnamed()
cmdLFS("/kick Unnamed");

Can anyone tell me why this won't kick.

Hi Andy,

You can only kick players with the username unnamed if you use a ScheduleAction or on connect ( /kick Unnamed )

Players with a nickname unnamed and a different username you can't kick
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Andy King :
Request: Can anyone help me with this Logo Button....

openPrivButton( "logo",115,0,25,6,0,-1,0,"^3[^1A^7K^4M^3] ^1Racing UK X",);

When I add this to connect messages it shows fine, when driver joins server it still there, when he races its there, but as soon as he spectates it disapears never to be seen again. I want it onscreen continuously which I cannot suss. Fedup and going to bed lol.

Hi Andy ,

This will work
Start your Logo when people click on Acept.

Sub OnConnectClose()
openGlobalButton( "logo",115,0,25,6,0,-1,0,"^3[^1A^7K^4M^3] ^1Racing UK X",);
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Hi Darkone55,

Just download a new copy of lapper ( same version) or in the /bin is a copy of LFSLapper.lpr and you have a new config file.
Copy your part's in it and you have a new working one.
Lapper needs the most line's you can switch some function off by putting a # infront of the line.

You can alway's PM me.
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Hi Gai-Luron,

I found some bug's. I still using 5.701 ( i did not tried 5.703 but i did not saw a fix)

1: When you use a openGlobalButton that closed on time (Example 4sec) it will be closed after 30 sec.
It's alway's 30 sec .

Register MsgAction("!blue",MA_blue);
Sub MA_blue()
$allow = "&./admin.lst";
openGlobalButton( "blue",40,50,120,15,10,4,0,"^4RESPECT BLUE FLAGS QUICKLY",);

2:When people vote for a restart and ( $VoteRestart = 60; ) the race is restarting by more then 60% .
You see in screen race is restarting and someone vote anything (race ,qual or end race) the vote is canceld and start at 0 vote's.

PS. I have my !help running with working tab's .Looks realy cool
server [NLR]NL Racing#5 FOX on BL1

PSPAd is realy super thanks!!
Last edited by Tim NL, .
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Thank You Gai-Luron

Have a nice BBQ :munching_
Tim NL
S2 licensed

Is it posible to goto a sub from a closePrivButton?
So i can close a multiline Privbutton and open a new one.

Something like this.

Sub Gotohelp()

Sub MA_help

And How to load PubStatIdk?
When i use the folling line i get a syntax error
PubStatIdk = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;

ps: i using Lapper version 5.701
Last edited by Tim NL, .
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Nemox :
Small problem tho, it won't show toplist on !drf? what could that be?

Change the following to the car or cars that you use on your server.

something like:
# Default car to show, when no car is specified in !top or !drf command.
DefaultTopCar = XFG
DefaultTopCar = XRT+LX4+LX6
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Hi Nemox,

Try this part i removed a lot # in the drifting options.
And check the reply of Andy King
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Nemox :Hi
I have edited the config file to fit my needs...
Lapper is active and working, however there are 1 small (HUGE) problem.
It doesn't count drift points...
I have looked in the config file over and over again, and I can't find the
problem... I hope someone can help...

Thanks in advance.


Show your config file so we can look . Works fine over here :yikes:
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Today I spent many hours on learning the new button system and I must say they work like a charm. I made a simple adminsystem with them but found some small problems:

When I make a button to broadcast a RCM, the RCM isn't cleared:

/pbut alarm,100,0,20,10,10,-1,16,^1Alarm,"/rcm {Nickname}^3{colon} There's a problem, see chat!|/rcm_all";

Further I can't get the adminsystem to work from a file of authorised users. I made the following code:

addCmd("!admin","&./cmd.flt") = blablabla;

But it won't read the FLT-file and also didn't work with cmd.txt

The last thing is a question, is it possible to make a button in which you can enter text? This would be useful for kicking/banning people. Reading insim.txt says it should be possible so I hope this can be build into Lapper. Thanks for the help and a BIG thank you for this great program.

Hi Yisc,
I tried this and it works fine with my admin list but i can't show a nickname in a button.

addCmd("!kick","&./admin.lst") = /kick {*};
addCmd("!alarm","&./admin.lst") =
/pbut alarm,100,0,20,10,10,-1,16,^1Alarm,"/pbut alarm,70,50,150,10,10,5,96, ^3There's a problem. See chat!"; ( edit: OK It's not a broadcast ,i saw this to late)
Last edited by Tim NL, .
Tim NL
S2 licensed
Thanks a lot Yisc[NL]
I will try it when i'm at home (still working now).